PHP Operators
In PHP, operators are symbols or keywords used to perform operations on variables, values, or expressions. PHP provides a wide range of operators that can be categorized into several groups. Here are the main types of operators in PHP:
- Arithmetic Operators:
- Addition:
- Subtraction:
- Multiplication:
- Division:
- Modulo (remainder):
- Increment:
- Decrement:
- Addition:
- Assignment Operators:
- Assignment:
- Addition assignment:
- Subtraction assignment:
- Multiplication assignment:
- Division assignment:
- Modulo assignment:
- Assignment:
- Comparison Operators:
- Equal to:
- Identical to:
- Not equal to:
- Not identical to:
- Greater than:
- Less than:
- Greater than or equal to:
- Less than or equal to:
- Equal to:
- Logical Operators:
- And:
- Or:
- Not:
- Xor:
- And:
- String Operators:
- Concatenation:
- Concatenation assignment:
(e.g.,$str .= " World";
- Concatenation:
- Array Operators:
- Union:
- Equality:
- Identity:
- Inequality:
- Non-identity:
- Union:
- Conditional (Ternary) Operator:
- Ternary operator:
condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false
- Ternary operator:
- Type Operators:
- Instanceof:
- Instanceof:
These are the basic operators in PHP, but there are more specialized operators available as well. It’s important to understand their usage and precedence rules to write effective PHP code.